Longitudinal waves in a spring have a wavelength of 50mm.The vibrator making them is vibrating at 5 oscillations per second.

Calculate the speed of the waves.

To calculate the speed of the waves, you can use the formula:

speed (v) = frequency (f) × wavelength (λ).

Frequency (f) = 5 oscillations per second
Wavelength (λ) = 50 mm = 0.05 m

Substituting the values in the formula:
v = f × λ
v = 5 oscillations/second × 0.05 m/oscillation
v = 0.25 m/s

Therefore, the speed of the waves is 0.25 m/s.

To calculate the speed of the longitudinal waves in the spring, you need to use the formula:

Speed = wavelength * frequency

Wavelength = 50 mm (which needs to be converted to meters for consistent units)
Frequency = 5 oscillations per second

First, convert the wavelength from mm to meters:
1 meter = 1000 mm
So, 50 mm = 50/1000 = 0.05 meters

Now, substitute the values into the formula:
Speed = 0.05 meters * 5 oscillations per second

The unit "oscillations" should be converted to hertz, as it represents the frequency of vibrations per second. So, 5 oscillations per second is equivalent to 5 Hz.

Speed = 0.05 meters * 5 Hz
= 0.25 meters per second

Therefore, the speed of the longitudinal waves in the spring is 0.25 meters per second.