Rebecca drinks at least 7 cups of water each day. So far,she drank 1.5 cups. She will drink the rest of her water from a bottle that holds 1.5 cups. Write an inequality for the minimum number of bottles of water she will drink.

To find the minimum number of bottles of water Rebecca will drink, we need to determine the remaining amount of water she needs to drink.

Since Rebecca drinks at least 7 cups of water each day, and she has already drunk 1.5 cups, she still needs to drink at least 7 - 1.5 = 5.5 cups.

We know that the bottle of water she has holds 1.5 cups. Let's assume she drinks x bottles of water.

Therefore, the inequality for the minimum number of bottles of water she will drink is:

1.5x ≥ 5.5

We multiply the 1.5 cups by x, the number of bottles, and set it greater than or equal to 5.5 cups because she still needs to drink at least 5.5 cups.

1.5 + 1.5b > 7