1.There are 240 boxes of caramel popcorn on the grocery store shelf. IF 2 out of every 15 boxes contain a secret decoer ring as a prize how many boxes can be expected to contain a secret decoder ring?


2.The ratio of green tiles to purple tiles in the art class is 5 to 8. If there were 72 purple tiles in the design how many green tiles would there be

3.A poll conducted recently by the school cafeteria asked students to name their favorite food. The table below shows the results
Food Number of votes
Pizza 30
Hamburgers 20
hot dogs 15
Tacos 15
Salad 20
Total 100

If 500 students were interviewed in a second poll how many would be expected to select tacos as their favorite?

1 is wrong. Hint: change 2/15 to a decimal and multiply by 240.

2 and 3 are correct.


2/15 = 0.133

0.133 * 240 = ?

1. To determine how many boxes can be expected to contain a secret decoder ring, you need to find the ratio of boxes that contain the ring to the total number of boxes. From the information given, the ratio is 2 out of every 15 boxes.

To find the number of boxes that contain the ring, you can set up a proportion:

(2 boxes / 15 boxes) = (x boxes / 240 boxes)

Cross multiplying, you get:

15x = 2 * 240


15x = 480

Dividing both sides by 15:

x = 32

Therefore, you can expect 32 boxes to contain a secret decoder ring. The correct answer is D (32).

2. To determine the number of green tiles, you need to use the given ratio of green tiles to purple tiles. The ratio is 5 to 8.

If there are 72 purple tiles, you can set up a proportion:

(5 green tiles / 8 purple tiles) = (x green tiles / 72 purple tiles)

Cross multiplying:

8x = 5 * 72


8x = 360

Dividing both sides by 8:

x = 45

Therefore, there would be 45 green tiles. The correct answer is A (45).

3. To determine the number of students who would be expected to select tacos as their favorite food in the second poll, you can use the proportions method.

In the first poll, there were a total of 100 votes, and 15 of those votes were for tacos. The ratio of tacos votes to total votes is:

15 votes / 100 votes = x votes / 500 votes

Cross multiplying:

100x = 15 * 500


100x = 7500

Dividing both sides by 100:

x = 75

Therefore, in the second poll with 500 students, you would expect 75 students to select tacos as their favorite food. The correct answer is B (75).