4.Longview is located between Tyler and Marshall on the state highway. THe distance between Tyler and Longview is 45 miles. THe distance between Longview and Marshall is 25 miles. Which equation could be used to find d, the round trip between Tyler and Marshall?


What is a round trip

A round trip is going to and from a place.

If it's 2 miles from your house to the library, then the round trip is 4 miles.

So is it C?

Yes, C is correct.

A round trip refers to a journey that starts and ends at the same location. In this case, the round trip between Tyler and Marshall would involve traveling from Tyler to Longview, then from Longview to Marshall, and finally returning from Marshall back to Tyler.

To find the total distance of the round trip, you need to add together the distances between Tyler and Longview and between Longview and Marshall. So the correct equation would be:

A. d = 45 + 25