What is the rotational symmetry as a fraction of a turn and the angle of the smallest turn of letter I

To determine the rotational symmetry as a fraction of a turn and the angle of the smallest turn of the letter "I," we need to analyze its shape.

The letter "I" is a vertically oriented letter, consisting of a vertical stem that is parallel to the y-axis. When we rotate the letter "I" by various amounts, we'll notice that it looks the same after a half turn.

This means the rotational symmetry of the letter "I" is 1/2 of a turn.

As for the angle of the smallest turn, we can think of it as the angle at which the letter "I" looks the same again. Since the rotational symmetry is half of a turn, the smallest turn that brings the letter "I" back to its original appearance is 180 degrees. Therefore, the angle of the smallest turn is 180 degrees.

In summary:

- The rotational symmetry of the letter "I" is 1/2 of a turn.
- The angle of the smallest turn for the letter "I" is 180 degrees.