David and Joseph have a total of 328 marbles. Matthew and David have 176 marbles. Joseph has 5 times as many marbles as Matthew. How many marbles does Davis have?


To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Let's represent the number of marbles David has with the variable D.
Step 2: We know that David and Joseph have a total of 328 marbles. So, the number of marbles Joseph has can be represented as 328 - D.
Step 3: We also know that Matthew and David have 176 marbles. So, the number of marbles Matthew has can be represented as 176 - D.
Step 4: According to the problem, Joseph has 5 times as many marbles as Matthew. So we can set up the equation (328 - D) = 5(176 - D).

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of D (the number of marbles David has):

328 - D = 5(176 - D)
328 - D = 880 - 5D (use distributive property)
4D = 880 - 328 (combine like terms)
4D = 552 (subtract 328 from both sides)
D = 552 / 4 (divide both sides by 4)
D = 138

Therefore, David has 138 marbles.