What was the first South American nation to receive independence? (1 point)


ok this question IDK... however I think it's Chile OR Argentina though to be honest idk I've read the book 17 times (i counted) I looked it up in google (it didn't help at all) so am i correct on thinking it was Argentina or Chile????

i will wait till tomorrow for an answer ok?

Argentina (1816), then Chile (1818)


Argentina - http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentina

Chile - http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile

As with all Wikipedia search results, be sure to check out all the external links and further references at the bottom of each Wikipedia page.

Ok so the answer would be Argentina right?

I'm sorry I snapped at you. This time I checked it out and found that Writeacher was wrong. That happens rarely.

Anyway, Paraguay got its independence in 1811, five years before Argentina. So Paraguay was the first independent nation of those four.


To determine the first South American nation to receive independence, we can approach this question by considering the historical context of the region.

First, let's eliminate Brazil and Paraguay from the options. Brazil gained independence from Portugal in 1822, while Paraguay gained independence from Spain in 1811. So, the answer should be either Chile or Argentina.

Now, between Chile and Argentina, the correct answer is Argentina. Argentina declared its independence from Spain on July 9, 1816, whereas Chile achieved its independence on February 12, 1818. Therefore, Argentina was the first South American nation to receive independence.

Remember, history can be complex, and it's always best to refer to trusted sources or consult experts to double-check information.