Does Pb(NO3)2 + Cu has a reaction? if so, what will it be?

No. But Pb + Cu(NO3)2 will react.

Thank you

To determine if Pb(NO3)2 + Cu has a reaction, we need to consider the reactivity of the elements involved. In this case, Pb(NO3)2 represents lead(II) nitrate, and Cu represents copper.

By referring to the reactivity series, we can see that copper is higher in the series compared to lead. This means copper is more reactive than lead. Generally, a more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from its compound.

Therefore, based on the reactivity series, we can predict that copper will react with lead(II) nitrate to form a new compound. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is:

Cu + Pb(NO3)2 --> Cu(NO3)2 + Pb

In this reaction, copper displaces lead from lead(II) nitrate, resulting in the formation of copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2) and lead (Pb).

It's important to note that this reaction may not occur instantaneously in all conditions, and factors like concentration, temperature, and catalysts can influence the rate of the reaction.