The total fencing around a square field is 80 yards. The field has an area of how many square yards?

80 / 4 = 20

A = 20 * 20


To find the area of a square field, we need to know the length of one side of the square.

Let's denote the length of one side as "x".

Since a square has all sides equal, the perimeter of the square field is given by:
Perimeter = 4 * x

Given that the total fencing around the square field is 80 yards, we can set up the following equation:
80 = 4 * x

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 4:
x = 80 / 4
x = 20 yards

Since the length of one side is 20 yards, the area of the square field can be calculated as:
Area = x^2
Area = 20^2
Area = 400 square yards

Therefore, the area of the square field is 400 square yards.

To find the area of the square field, we need to first determine the length of one side of the square. Given that the total fencing around the field is 80 yards, we can divide this value by 4 since a square has 4 equal sides.

80 yards / 4 = 20 yards

Now we know that each side of the square field measures 20 yards. To find the area, we square the length of one side.

20 yards * 20 yards = 400 square yards

Therefore, the area of the square field is 400 square yards.