If the tilt of the earth’s axis increased to 30 degrees, which of the following statements would be correct?

(a) There would likely be a greater variation between summer and winter positions of the Sub Tropical Ridge.
(b) Summers are likely to become cooler and winters warmer over southern Australia.
(c) Monsoons are likely to remain closer to the equator.
(d) Cold fronts will stay further poleward.

If the tilt of the earth's axis increased to 30 degrees, the correct statement would be:

(a) There would likely be a greater variation between summer and winter positions of the Sub Tropical Ridge.

Explanation: The Sub Tropical Ridge is a high-pressure system that plays a role in determining weather patterns. An increased tilt of the earth's axis would cause the Sub Tropical Ridge to shift its position more drastically between summer and winter. This would result in a greater variation between the summer and winter positions of the Sub Tropical Ridge.

To determine which statement would be correct if the tilt of the Earth's axis increased to 30 degrees, it is helpful to understand the concept of axial tilt and its effects on climate patterns.

The Earth has an axial tilt of approximately 23.5 degrees, which is the reason we experience seasons. When the axial tilt increases, it means that the angle between the Earth's rotational axis and its orbital plane increases.

Now, let's evaluate each statement:

(a) There would likely be a greater variation between summer and winter positions of the Subtropical Ridge.
To evaluate this statement, we need to understand that the Subtropical Ridge is a semi-permanent high-pressure system that influences climate patterns. With an increased tilt of the Earth's axis, there would be a greater variation in the latitudinal position of the Subtropical Ridge between summer and winter. This is because the tilt affects the distribution of solar energy. So, statement (a) would likely be correct.

(b) Summers are likely to become cooler and winters warmer over southern Australia.
To determine if this statement is correct, we need to consider how an increased axial tilt would affect the climate in southern Australia. With a larger tilt, the region would experience more extreme seasons, potentially resulting in hotter summers and colder winters. Therefore, statement (b) would likely be incorrect.

(c) Monsoons are likely to remain closer to the equator.
To assess this statement, we should understand that monsoons are influenced by the shift in wind patterns caused by differential heating between land and sea. An increased axial tilt could affect these wind patterns. However, it is important to note that monsoons are generally found in tropical regions, closer to the equator. Therefore, even with an increased tilt, monsoons are likely to remain closer to the equator. Thus, statement (c) would likely be correct.

(d) Cold fronts will stay further poleward.
To assess this statement, we need to understand that cold fronts are associated with the boundary between warm and cold air masses. An increased axial tilt could affect the positions of these air mass boundaries. With a larger tilt, the cold fronts would likely shift further poleward. Therefore, statement (d) would likely be correct.

In conclusion, based on the explanations provided, the correct statements would be:
(a) There would likely be a greater variation between summer and winter positions of the Subtropical Ridge.
(c) Monsoons are likely to remain closer to the equator.
(d) Cold fronts will stay further poleward.