Mr. Jacob is 55 years old and Tony is 7 years old. in how many years will mr. Jacob be 4 times as old as tony?

To determine in how many years Mr. Jacob will be 4 times as old as Tony, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of years it will take for Mr. Jacob to be four times as old as Tony is represented by "x".

Currently, Mr. Jacob is 55 years old, and Tony is 7 years old. Therefore, after "x" years, Mr. Jacob will be 55 + x years old, and Tony will be 7 + x years old.

According to the given condition, Mr. Jacob will be four times as old as Tony after "x" years:

55 + x = 4 * (7 + x)

Now, we can solve for "x".

55 + x = 28 + 4x

Subtract x from both sides:

55 = 28 + 3x

Subtract 28 from both sides:

27 = 3x

Divide both sides by 3:

x = 9

Therefore, in 9 years, Mr. Jacob will be 4 times as old as Tony.