Which of the following is a formula for finding the volume of a cube?

A. v=e^3, where e= the edge length
B. v=(lwh)^3, wherel= length,w=width andh=height
C.v=6e^2, where e=the edge length
D. v=b*b, where b= the area of the base

I picked A
since V=s^3 or e^3 for the volume of a cube
Is this correct? Thanks

Yes, you're right.

No, your answer is incorrect. The correct formula for finding the volume of a cube is v = s^3, where s represents the length of one edge of the cube. So, option A should be v = s^3 rather than v = e^3. The correct answer to the question would be C, v = 6e^2, where e is the edge length.