"Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.”

The quote from Samuel Johnson at the beginning of the story suggests that the story will be about

A.the roles people perform in life.
B.making adjustments to goals.
C.developing stronger bodies.
D.staying on task.
I think it is D...? But I am not sure..

Yes, D is right.

Thank you Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Cassie.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the quote from Samuel Johnson: "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance." This quote refers to the idea that accomplishments and significant achievements are not solely a result of physical strength, but rather the ability to persist and remain focused on a particular task or goal.

Based on this understanding, we can eliminate options A, B, and C, as they do not directly align with the concept of perseverance. Option D, "staying on task," is the most appropriate choice, as it closely relates to the perseverance mentioned in the quote.

Therefore, you are correct in selecting option D as the answer.