did Millard Fillmore want woman rights ?

I doubt it!!

Oh, wait ... do you mean did he want rights for women? What rights? For what women?

Read lots.

You know how Elizabeth Cady Stanton wanted each woman to have equal rights just like men did right ? i think that's what she wanted. Did Millard want that too ? or did her just want slavery to stop .

I'm not sure, but I think he was more focused on stopping slavery. It's very clear what Stanton wanted in the realm of women's rights, but I am not sure about President Fillmore. I would doubt it.

Oh okay thank you.

Millard Fillmore, the 13th President of the United States, did not have a significant impact on women's rights during his presidency. However, it is important to note that the women's rights movement began gaining traction in the mid-19th century, during Fillmore's time in office.

To find more information about Fillmore's stance on women's rights, you can start by conducting a search using reliable sources such as historical records, biographies, or reputable websites. This can provide insights into Fillmore's beliefs and actions regarding women's rights during his presidency.

Additionally, researching the key events and figures of the women's rights movement during Fillmore's tenure can give you a broader understanding of the context and circumstances surrounding this issue at the time. You may find information about prominent women's rights activists and their advocacy efforts during the mid-1800s, which can indirectly shed light on Fillmore's position on the matter.

Moreover, examining primary sources like speeches, letters, or official documents related to women's rights during Fillmore's presidency can provide direct evidence of his views or actions regarding this topic. Archival collections, online databases, and libraries specializing in historical documents can be valuable resources in this regard.

By combining these different research methods, you can form a more complete understanding of Millard Fillmore's approach to women's rights during his presidency.