Determine whether the following is a polynomial. 937g2h3 - 238gh2 + 54gh


To determine if the given expression is a polynomial, we need to check if it fits the definition of a polynomial.

A polynomial is an expression that consists of variables (in this case, g and h) and constants (in this case, 937, -238, and 54), combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations, where the exponents of the variables are non-negative integers.

Looking at the given expression, 937g^2h^3 - 238gh^2 + 54gh, we can see that it consists of variables g and h, combined using addition and subtraction operations, and features non-negative integer exponents.

Therefore, we can confirm that the given expression, 937g^2h^3 - 238gh^2 + 54gh, is indeed a polynomial.