On Friday, Lewis saw a certain number of hummingbirds, h. On Saturday, He saw 3 more than twice the number of hummingbirds he saw on Friday.

Write an expression for the number of hummingbirds Lewis saw on Saturday.

2x + 3

thank you, Ms.Sue.

I Know 3 more than twice the number ( 2X+3 )

but I 'not sure ( On Friday , Lewis saw a certain number of hummingbirds, h. What is the h mean )

h = number of hummingbirds

You're welcome.

so, i don't need to care about h,

2X+3 or h = 2x+3

You can use any letter for the unknown number.

2h + 3

I understand now, thank you, Ms Sue

You're welcome, Peter.

I don't know the answer

To write an expression for the number of hummingbirds Lewis saw on Saturday, we first need to understand the given information. We know that Lewis saw a certain number of hummingbirds on Friday, represented by the variable h.

On Saturday, he saw 3 more than twice the number of hummingbirds he saw on Friday.

To express this mathematically, we need to multiply the number of hummingbirds he saw on Friday by 2, and then add 3.

So, the expression for the number of hummingbirds Lewis saw on Saturday can be written as:
2h + 3