Factorize the following expressions:

1) 6a(3a-2)+12b(3a-2)
I got : (3a-2)(6a+12b)
But its not simplified, how do i simplify it

It is 6(3a-2)(a+2b)

Yes, that is correct! You can simplify it further by factoring out a 6 from both terms inside the parentheses:

6(3a-2)(a+2b) = 6*(3a-2)*(2b+a)

To simplify the expression (3a-2)(6a+12b), you can distribute the factors 6a and 12b to each term inside the parentheses.

Start with the first term:
6a * 3a = 18a^2

Next, multiply 6a with -2:
6a * -2 = -12a

Now, move on to the second term:
12b * 3a = 36ab

Finally, multiply 12b with -2:
12b * -2 = -24b

Putting it all together, the simplified expression becomes:
18a^2 - 12a + 36ab - 24b

Oh noo i got 6(3a-2)(a+b) correct??