What was the first territory to shed blood in a civil war over slavery?

D.South Carolina

I know there was blood shed in Kansas-but there is info that South Carolina was the first territory that had blood shed??? Can you help me?


Since Kansas was the only territory in that list, I assume the answer must be Kansas.

Another poorly worded question.

thank you that was not right thank you for answer

To determine which territory was the first to shed blood in a civil war over slavery, we need to analyze the historical context. The most common answer to this question is D. South Carolina. Here's how to approach finding the answer:

1. Historical analysis: Researching and understanding the events leading up to the American Civil War is crucial. The conflict was primarily caused by issues related to slavery, states' rights, and secession. Understanding the timeline and sequence of events will help us identify the first territory where blood was shed.

2. Examination of key events: The Civil War started on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces fired upon Union-controlled Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. This marked the beginning of armed hostilities between the Union and the newly formed Confederate States of America. Since South Carolina was the site of the first shots fired, it is typically recognized as the first territory to shed blood in the Civil War.

3. Acknowledging other factors: While South Carolina may be considered the first territory due to the attack on Fort Sumter, it is essential to recognize the ongoing violent conflicts in other territories. For example, "Bleeding Kansas" refers to the violence and guerrilla warfare that erupted between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in Kansas during the 1850s. Although Kansas experienced bloodshed related to slavery before the formal outbreak of the Civil War, it is not considered the first territory to shed blood in the Civil War itself.

In summary, while Kansas witnessed bloodshed related to slavery prior to the Civil War, South Carolina holds the distinction of being the first territory to shed blood in the Civil War due to the attack on Fort Sumter.

I agree...thank you

You're welcome.
