Give an example of a fairly major purchasing decision you've made in your lifetime. How did you justify the purchase? How did you prepare for it financially once you decided to make the purchase?

Again ... only you can answer this...

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or possessions, but I can provide you with an example of a major purchasing decision and explain how you can justify and prepare for it financially.

Let's say you are considering purchasing a new car. Here's how you can go about justifying and preparing for this purchase:

1. Identify the need: Determine why you need a new car. Is your current vehicle unreliable, inefficient, or not meeting your requirements? Assessing your needs will help you justify the purchase by identifying the specific problems you're trying to solve.

2. Research and compare: Gather information about different car models, their features, prices, and their reputation for reliability. Compare prices from different dealerships or online platforms. This research will enable you to make an informed decision based on your preferences and budget.

3. Set a budget: Evaluating your financial situation is crucial. Determine how much you can comfortably spend on a car without compromising your other financial goals. Consider factors like down payment, monthly loan payments (if financing), insurance costs, and ongoing maintenance expenses.

4. Consider long-term costs: Remember to factor in the running costs of owning a car, such as fuel, insurance, maintenance, and repairs. Calculate the estimated total cost of ownership to ensure you can afford the ongoing expenses.

5. Explore financing options: If you plan to finance the car, research different loan providers, compare interest rates, terms, and fees. Calculate your monthly payments to ensure they fit within your budget. Alternatively, if you plan to pay in cash, ensure you have saved enough funds.

6. Create a savings plan: If you need time to save money for the purchase, create a savings plan. Set a clear timeline and determine how much money you need to save each month to reach your goal. Adjust your budget accordingly to allocate more funds towards your car savings.

7. Assess the purchase against your priorities: Evaluate how the purchase aligns with your priorities and financial goals. Assess if buying a new car is a higher priority than other financial goals, such as saving for retirement or paying off debts. Ensure your decision is well-balanced and doesn't jeopardize your overall financial well-being.

By following these steps, you can justify and prepare for a major purchase such as buying a new car while considering your financial situation, doing proper research, and aligning the decision with your needs and goals.