evaluate each expression for n=3 and n=8

To evaluate each expression for n = 3 and n = 8, you simply substitute the values of n into the expression and perform the necessary calculations.

Let's assume we have two expressions, expression A and expression B. To evaluate them, follow these steps:

1. Replace each occurrence of the variable n with the specific value.
2. Perform the calculations and simplify the expression if needed.
3. Write down the evaluated result.

Now, let's evaluate each expression for n = 3 and n = 8:

Expression A: 2n + 5

For n = 3:
Substitute n = 3 into the expression: 2(3) + 5
Calculate: 6 + 5 = 11

For n = 8:
Substitute n = 8 into the expression: 2(8) + 5
Calculate: 16 + 5 = 21

Expression B: n^2 - 4

For n = 3:
Substitute n = 3 into the expression: 3^2 - 4
Calculate: 9 - 4 = 5

For n = 8:
Substitute n = 8 into the expression: 8^2 - 4
Calculate: 64 - 4 = 60

Therefore, when n = 3, expression A evaluates to 11, and expression B evaluates to 5. When n = 8, expression A evaluates to 21, and expression B evaluates to 60.