Please help me with matching the stages of the meiosis to its proper description.

1. Members of each homologous pair separate from each other (chromatids) still remain together).
2. Homologous chromosomes pair up with each other and chromosomes 'cross over' by exchanging their genetic material in some places.
3. Chromosomes become bound by a nuclear membrane and two new cells are formed.
4. The nuclear membrane reforms, forming four new cells with only half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.
5. Chromosomes appear as pairs of chromatids, joined at the centromere.
6. Chromosomes consisting of two chromatids line up along the center of the cell spindle.
7. Chromatid pairs separate and one of each pair moves to opposite ends of the cells.

Meiosis Stages:
Prophase 1
Anaphase 1
Prophase 2
Anaphase 2
Metaphase 1
Telophase 1
Metaphase 2
Telophase 2

and it says:
Note that for our purposes there is little difference between Telophase 1 and Prophase 2.

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Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "meiosis stages" to get these possible sources:

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To match the stages of meiosis to their proper descriptions, let's go through the sentences one by one and see which description matches each stage:

1. Members of each homologous pair separate from each other (chromatids still remain together).

This matches with Anaphase 1, where the homologous chromosomes (containing chromatids) separate and move away from each other.

2. Homologous chromosomes pair up with each other and chromosomes 'cross over' by exchanging their genetic material in some places.

This matches with Prophase 1, where homologous chromosomes pair up, crossing over occurs, and genetic material is exchanged between them.

Note: The description mentions "crossing over," which is a key event that specifically takes place during Prophase 1.

3. Chromosomes become bound by a nuclear membrane and two new cells are formed.

This matches with Telophase 1, where the nuclear membrane reforms around the separated chromosomes, and two new cells are formed.

4. The nuclear membrane reforms, forming four new cells with only half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.

This matches with Telophase 2, where the nuclear membrane reforms around the separated chromosomes, and the result is four new cells with half the number of chromosomes.

5. Chromosomes appear as pairs of chromatids, joined at the centromere.

This matches with Metaphase 2, where the chromosomes (consisting of two chromatids) line up along the center of the cell spindle.

6. Chromosomes consisting of two chromatids line up along the center of the cell spindle.

This matches with Metaphase 1, where the chromosomes (consisting of two chromatids) line up along the center of the cell spindle.

Note: The description doesn't provide any specific information to differentiate between Metaphase 1 and Metaphase 2.

7. Chromatid pairs separate and one of each pair moves to opposite ends of the cells.

This matches with Anaphase 2, where the chromatid pairs separate and move to opposite ends of the cells.

Note: The description specifies "chromatid pairs," indicating that it occurs during the second round of separation, which is Anaphase 2.

Lastly, it's mentioned that there is little difference between Telophase 1 and Prophase 2 for the purposes of this exercise. This means that in this particular context, Telophase 1 and Prophase 2 can be considered quite similar and may not require distinguishing them separately.

So, the matching of the stages of meiosis to their descriptions is as follows:

- Prophase 1: Homologous chromosomes pair up, cross over occurs.
- Anaphase 1: Members of each homologous pair separate.
- Telophase 1: Chromosomes become bound by a nuclear membrane, two new cells are formed.
- Telophase 2: The nuclear membrane reforms, forming four new cells with half the number of chromosomes.
- Metaphase 1: Chromosomes consisting of two chromatids line up along the center of the cell spindle.
- Metaphase 2: Chromosomes consisting of two chromatids line up along the center of the cell spindle.
- Anaphase 2: Chromatid pairs separate, and one of each pair moves to opposite ends of the cells.