16.Eliot spent 24 minutes solving 8 math problems.At that rate, how many math problems can he solve in 54 minutes?

Can you explain why it isnt a

24/8 = 3 minutes per problem

54/3 = 18 problems in 54 minutes

Another way to solve this problem is to set up a proportion. Cross multiply and solve for x.

8/24 = x/54

24x = 432
x = 432/24
x = 18

C.because it takes 3 min per problem which equal out to 8 problem in 24 min and in 54 min you can solve 18.

Oh,thanks! I get it now

You're welcome. :-)

To determine how many math problems Eliot can solve in 54 minutes, we need to find the ratio of time to the number of problems solved.

In the given scenario, Eliot solves 8 math problems in 24 minutes.

So, to find out how many problems he can solve in 54 minutes, we can set up a proportion:

8 problems / 24 minutes = x problems / 54 minutes

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

(8 problems * 54 minutes) / 24 minutes = x problems

432 problems / 24 minutes = x problems

x = 18 problems

Therefore, Eliot can solve 18 math problems in 54 minutes. The correct answer is option C.