Manager joe presents problems to his work group and gets suggestions before making a decision . Joe's management style is

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participatory or collaborative. This style involves actively involving the team members in problem-solving and decision-making processes.

To determine Joe's management style, we can consider the following points:

1. Open Communication: Joe encourages open communication within his work group, allowing team members to freely express their opinions and suggestions. This fosters a collaborative environment where everyone's ideas are valued.

2. Decision-making Process: Instead of making decisions alone, Joe involves his work group by presenting problems and seeking their suggestions. By considering multiple perspectives, he can make more informed and inclusive decisions.

3. Team Empowerment: Joe's management style empowers his team members by giving them the opportunity to contribute their ideas and suggestions. This involvement can enhance employee engagement and motivation.

4. Trust and Respect: Joe values his team's expertise and respects their input. This trust and respect further promote a collaborative work culture where individuals feel valued and appreciated.

Overall, Joe's management style appears to be participatory or collaborative, as he actively engages his work group in problem-solving and decision-making processes. This style promotes teamwork, open communication, and empowers employees, leading to a more engaged and productive work environment.