covert the compound statement into words.

Let r="the food is good"
p="I eat too much"
q=I'll exercise."

I'll exercise if i don't eat to much.

To convert the compound statement into words, we need to understand the logical operators in play.

r = "the food is good"
p = "I eat too much"
q = "I'll exercise."

The compound statement is: I'll exercise if I don't eat too much.

Let's analyze the different options:

1. ~p^q:
This translates to "I don't eat too much and I'll exercise."

2. ~(p->q):
This translates to "I don't eat too much, but I won't exercise."

3. ~p->q:
This translates to "If I don't eat too much, then I'll exercise."

4. ~p, q:
This translates to "I don't eat too much, and I'll exercise."

Out of these options, the closest translation to the given compound statement is option 3: ~p->q.

rearrange to

(i don't eat too much) -> (I'll exercise)
~p -> q