Are Romeo and Juliet destroyed by fate, by their own flaws, by the flaws of others, or by a combination of factors?

I think it's a combination. What do you think?

I kept thinking it was that because they werent destroyed by the flaws of others or fate. Thanks Ms. Sue

To analyze whether Romeo and Juliet are destroyed by fate, their own flaws, the flaws of others, or a combination of factors, we need to consider the events of the play and assess the characters' behaviors.

1. Fate: Shakespeare introduces the notion of fate from the beginning in the prologue, which suggests that Romeo and Juliet's star-crossed love is predetermined. However, while fate plays a role by bringing the ill-fated couple together and setting the tragic events in motion, it does not solely determine their actions or outcomes.

2. Their own flaws: Romeo and Juliet make impulsive decisions driven by their intense passion for each other. Their haste and lack of consideration often lead to disastrous consequences. Romeo's impetuous nature is displayed when he kills Tybalt after his friend Mercutio is slain. Similarly, Juliet's willingness to fake her death without thinking through the consequences further complicates their situation.

3. Flaws of others: The actions of other characters in the play significantly contribute to the tragic outcome. For example, the ongoing feud between the Capulets and Montagues fuels the conflict, resulting in violence and ultimately Romeo and Juliet's deaths. The actions of Friar Laurence and the Nurse also contribute to the tragedy, as their well-intentioned but misguided advice and plans lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding.

4. Combination of factors: Ultimately, it is the combination of fate, Romeo and Juliet's flaws, and the actions of others that lead to their destruction. While their love is doomed from the start due to the predetermined fate, their impulsive decisions, the feuding families, and the misguidance from trusted individuals all play a significant role in the tragic outcome.

In summary, Romeo and Juliet's demise can be attributed to a combination of factors, including but not limited to fate, their own flaws, and the flaws of others. It is the intricate interplay of these elements that ultimately leads to their tragic end.