Use a form of "ser" or "estar" to fill in the blank.

Note: Only type the missing word. Do not type capital letter nor period.

Tú ____ enfermo.

Someone will be glad to check your answer.



The correct verb to use in this sentence is "estás."

To arrive at this answer, follow these steps:
1. Identify the pronoun "tú" which means "you" in English.
2. Identify the adjective "enfermo," which means "sick" in English.
3. Since we are describing a temporary condition or state, we need to use the verb "estar" which means "to be" in English.
4. Choose the appropriate conjugation of the verb "estar" for the pronoun "tú," which is "estás."
5. Fill in the blank with "estás."

Therefore, the complete sentence is:
"Tú estás enfermo." (You are sick.)