Click on the box to choose the function of the italicized infinitive phrase.

May I have permission to use the car tonight?
I think its adjective.


Can you give me a place to put my things?

He went to Europe to study architecture.

I want to go with you to the store.

To help you is my greatest desire.

May I have permission to use the car tonight?

Meredith is to be restored as captain.

To determine the function of the italicized infinitive phrase in the sentence, first, we need to identify the infinitive phrase itself. In this case, the infinitive phrase is "to use the car tonight."

Now, we can analyze its function in the sentence. The function of an infinitive phrase can vary depending on its role in the sentence.

In this sentence, the infinitive phrase "to use the car tonight" serves as the direct object of the verb "have." It answers the question "What do you have?" and completes the meaning of the verb. So, the function of the italicized infinitive phrase is an object. More specifically, it is a direct object in this sentence.

So, the correct answer would be that the function of the italicized infinitive phrase is an object, not an adjective.