How many mole of ammonium nitrate would be consumed if 15 mole of water were produced?

To determine the number of moles of ammonium nitrate consumed, we need to use the balanced equation for the reaction in which water is produced from ammonium nitrate.

The balanced equation is:
NH4NO3 → N2O + 2H2O

From the equation, we can see that for every 2 moles of water produced, 1 mole of ammonium nitrate is consumed.

Given that 15 moles of water are produced, we can set up a proportion using the mole ratio from the balanced equation:

(1 mole of ammonium nitrate / 2 moles of water) = (x moles of ammonium nitrate / 15 moles of water)

Cross-multiplying the proportion, we get:
2 moles of water * x moles of ammonium nitrate = 1 mole of ammonium nitrate * 15 moles of water

Simplifying, we find:
2x = 15

Dividing both sides by 2, we get:
x = 7.5

Therefore, 7.5 moles of ammonium nitrate would be consumed if 15 moles of water were produced.