I am supposed to come up with a bill for an interest group of our choosing. I chose the American Bar Association. The bill i want to propose is " to give lawyers and law students with disabilities an equal chance at being chosen as a lawyer to be able to participate in the legal profession". I don't know how i could justify this proposal, so then people would approve of it.

Help please :) Thanks

You should make it clear that for this purpose, disabilities mean physical disabilities or mobility problems. I assume you don't mean mental or emotional disabilities.

Yes it is for those physical disabilities or mobility problems. I am just having trouble as to how i am supposed to convince others to support this proposal. If this bill were to be passed then those with disabilities would have a better chance as being chosen as lawyers. The ABA groups mission is to eliminate bias and enhance diversity. I don't know what else i can say to back up my proposal.

You could point out that physical abilities have nothing to do with the practice of law. You could point that it's illegal to discriminate on the basis of physical disabilities.

Check these sites.


Thats helpful thank you. I also want to add this as another justification for why the bill should pass: Members with disabilities may not want to self-identify due to concerns about bias, prejudice, and misuse of information. If this bill were to pass, then people with disabilities would be more open about their condition without fearing that they will not be accepted as a professional lawyer. Do you think this could be a good reason as to why people should let this bill pass?


ok thank you so much. Would this be enough of a justification? Or should i add more

I would hit the legality issue hard. A law firm could not refuse to hire someone on the basis of his/her physical disability.

Ok will do. Your help was much appreciated :)

You're very welcome.

Proposing a bill to give lawyers and law students with disabilities an equal chance at participating in the legal profession is an important and progressive initiative. To justify and gain approval for such a proposal, you can consider the following arguments and steps:

1. Research and gather data: Start by researching the current landscape and statistics related to lawyers and law students with disabilities. Look for data on their representation, challenges they face, and potential barriers to their full participation in the legal profession. Find credible sources such as government reports, academic studies, and advocacy organizations.

2. Highlight equality and non-discrimination: Emphasize that equal rights and equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of disabilities, are fundamental principles of a just society. Explain how denying lawyers and law students with disabilities an equal chance perpetuates discrimination and denies them the right to pursue their chosen profession.

3. Refer to existing laws and regulations: Point out that various laws and regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), already prohibit discrimination based on disabilities in various areas, including employment. Emphasize that extending these protections to the legal profession aligns with the goal of fair and equal treatment.

4. Discuss benefits to the legal profession: Explain how promoting diversity and inclusivity within the legal profession enhances its overall effectiveness and ensures a broader range of perspectives. Highlight how lawyers with disabilities can provide unique insights and contributions to legal theory, practice, and decision-making processes.

5. Address potential concerns or objections: Anticipate and counter potential objections or concerns that might be raised. For example, some may argue that certain disabilities could impair a lawyer's ability to perform their duties effectively. Address these concerns by illustrating examples of successful lawyers with disabilities and emphasizing that accommodations and adaptations can be made to ensure they can fulfill their responsibilities competently.

6. Engage stakeholders: Actively involve various stakeholders who can advocate for and support your bill. These may include disability advocacy groups, legal professionals, bar associations, law schools, and legislators sympathetic to disability rights issues. Collaborate with them to gain their endorsement and assistance in promoting the bill.

7. Draft the bill: Consult legal experts or professionals to help you draft the actual bill. Ensure that it is clear, concise, and aligned with existing laws and regulations. Be specific about the accommodations and support mechanisms to be implemented to ensure the equal participation of lawyers and law students with disabilities.

Remember, engaging in open dialogues with stakeholders, using evidence-based arguments, and emphasizing the principles of equality and non-discrimination will strengthen your proposal. Good luck in pursuing this important cause!