Which solution below has the highest concentration of hydronium ions?

pH = 9.82
pH = 12.6
pH = 7.93
pH = 3.21
pH = 7.00

To determine which solution has the highest concentration of hydronium ions, we need to understand that pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The higher the pH value, the more alkaline or basic the solution, while a lower pH indicates a more acidic solution.

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being considered neutral. Solutions with pH values below 7 are considered acidic, and those with pH values above 7 are considered basic.

In this case, we need to compare the pH values given for the different solutions. The solution with the lowest pH value will have the highest concentration of hydronium ions.

Given the pH values:
- pH = 9.82
- pH = 12.6
- pH = 7.93
- pH = 3.21
- pH = 7.00

From the given options, the solution with the lowest pH is pH = 3.21. Therefore, the solution with a pH of 3.21 has the highest concentration of hydronium ions.