What association would you expect if graphing height and weight?

what type of association would you expect betwee a persons age hair length?

1. D clustering

2.A positive

3.D none of these

4.B linear

100% pass !
Hope this help!

annonamous is indeeeeeeeeeeed correct

A positive relationship, where one typically increases while the other increases.

When graphing height and weight, the association that we would typically expect to see is a positive correlation. This means that as height increases, we would also expect weight to increase, and vice versa. In other words, taller individuals tend to weigh more on average, while shorter individuals tend to weigh less on average.

To determine the association between height and weight, you can collect data on a sample of individuals that includes their height and weight measurements. Then, plot the data points on a scatter plot, with height on the x-axis and weight on the y-axis. If the points generally form a positive slope or trend line, it indicates a positive association. On the other hand, if the points form a negative slope, it suggests a negative association (i.e., as height increases, weight decreases).

Keep in mind that while a positive association is often observed between height and weight, there can be variations and outliers in the data. Various factors, such as body composition, genetics, and overall health, can influence an individual's weight regardless of their height.