why did the envelope lose the race with the cardboard box?

It was stationery

5.4 gallons


To understand why the envelope lost the race with the cardboard box, we need to analyze the characteristics and properties of both objects.

Envelopes and cardboard boxes differ in terms of their shape, structure, and handling capabilities. These factors can affect their ability to perform in a race scenario.

First, let's consider the shape of an envelope. Envelopes are usually thin and flat, designed to hold paper documents or letters. Their shape offers little resistance against air or friction with the ground, which limits their speed and maneuverability.

On the other hand, cardboard boxes are typically larger, more rigid, and often have a rectangular shape. The larger surface area and sturdier structure of a cardboard box allow it to withstand external forces like wind or accidental bumps, thus maintaining stability and speed during a race.

Additionally, the handling capabilities of the two objects play a significant role. An envelope is usually lightweight and flexible, making it challenging to handle and maintain a straight trajectory during a race. In contrast, a cardboard box can be more easily controlled by a participant as it provides a solid grip and stability.

To summarize, the envelope lost the race to the cardboard box due to its flat shape, limited resistance against wind and ground friction, and the difficulty in handling and controlling its movement.

Water was leaking from a faucet at a rate of 1.5 gal every 5min.IF it took 18 min to stop the leak, how much water was wasted?

idk idk idk idk

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