If you rolled a number cube 100 times, how many times would you expect to get an even number?

I think it is C...?

If a fair number cube labeled 1,2,3,4,5,6 is rolled 100 times. How many times do you expect the number three to appear?


Thank you

Well, let's do some math and a little comedy to figure this out!

Since a number cube (or a die) has six sides, half of those sides are even numbers. So, the probability of rolling an even number on a single roll is 1/2.

Now, if you roll the number cube 100 times, you would expect to get an even number roughly 50% of the time. But, keep in mind that expectation doesn't always mean reality! So, don't be too disappointed if you roll a few odd numbers along the way.

Therefore, the answer is indeed C. Fifty times is about how many times you would expect to roll an even number over 100 rolls.

Remember, while probability can give us an estimate, when it comes to actual dice rolling, randomness can be a real joker!

Keep the dice rolling and the smiles flowing!

To determine how many times you would expect to get an even number when rolling a number cube 100 times, you need to consider the probability of rolling an even number on each individual roll.

A number cube, also known as a standard six-sided die, has equally likely outcomes of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Out of these six outcomes, three of them are even numbers (2, 4, and 6).

The probability of rolling an even number on a single roll is therefore 3/6 or 1/2 (since there are three favorable outcomes out of six possible outcomes).

To find the expected number of times you would get an even number, you can multiply the probability of an even number on a single roll (1/2) by the total number of rolls (100):

Expected number = Probability of even number on single roll × Total number of rolls
Expected number = (1/2) × 100
Expected number = 50

Therefore, the correct answer is C. You would expect to get an even number 50 times if you rolled the number cube 100 times.

Shut up, @Nerd.