Can someone check of this email is grammatically correct? Thank you.

How are things?

1) I’ve been on holiday in England and I’ve been attending an English summer course for two weeks.
2) I’ve met an interesting girl from London, Mary, at a party organized by the school. She’s absolutely gorgeous, but I still haven’t decided where to take her on a memorable date.
3) I’ve been thinking about inviting her for a pizza but I don’t know if this is the right decision. Actually, I’ve been texting her all week but she hasn’t replied. I would like to phone her but I’m not sure.
4) I fear she might turn my proposal down. Maybe she is not attracted by me either.What do you reckon?

To check if the email is grammatically correct, we can go through each sentence and analyze it for any errors. Here is a breakdown of each sentence in the email:

1) "I’ve been on holiday in England and I’ve been attending an English summer course for two weeks."

This sentence looks grammatically correct. It uses the present perfect tense correctly to indicate an action that started in the past and is still ongoing.

2) "I’ve met an interesting girl from London, Mary, at a party organized by the school. She’s absolutely gorgeous, but I still haven’t decided where to take her on a memorable date."

This sentence is also grammatically correct. It correctly uses the present perfect tense to describe a past action that has an effect on the present. The sentence structure is clear and there are no obvious grammar errors.

3) "I’ve been thinking about inviting her for a pizza, but I don’t know if this is the right decision. Actually, I’ve been texting her all week, but she hasn’t replied. I would like to phone her, but I'm not sure."

This sentence is grammatically correct as well. It uses the present perfect progressive tense to describe ongoing actions in the past leading up to the current situation. The choice of verb tenses is appropriate, and there are no glaring grammar errors.

4) "I fear she might turn my proposal down. Maybe she is not attracted by me either. What do you reckon?"

This sentence is grammatically correct too. It correctly uses the present simple tense to express a fear and expresses doubt in the form of a rhetorical question. The sentence structure is clear, and there are no obvious grammar errors.

Overall, the email appears to be grammatically correct with no significant errors.