I have an average of 66.67 i need a 70percent to pass the class, what do i need to get on thenext test?

To calculate the score you need on the next test to achieve a 70% average in the class, we can use the following formula:

(Desired average - Current average) / Weight of the next test = Score needed on the next test

Let's plug in the values:

(70% - 66.67%) / 1 = Score needed on the next test

To get the desired average, you subtract your current average (66.67%) from the desired average (70%). Since we don't have any information about the weight of the next test, we assume it carries a weight of 1. If your next test has a different weight, you'll need to adjust the formula accordingly.

Now let's calculate:

(70% - 66.67%) / 1 = 3.33% / 1 = 3.33%

Therefore, you would need to get at least 3.33% on the next test to achieve a 70% average in the class.