I asked this earlier today but did not get help. Can you please let me know if this question is done properly? Thank you

Camern is wrapping a present. She does not want any left over wrapping paper. How much wrapping paper does she need to buy. The length of the box is 15in,
the width is 3in and the height in 7 in.
I did it this way.
front and back(height)
SA=210in squared
Sides( width)= SA=lw*2
SA=3(7)2= 42 in squared
Top and bottom(length
SA=90in squared

Total surface area is SA=210=42=90=342in squared
SHe must buy 342 in squared of wrapping paper
Did I do all the steps correctly.

You're right. I got the same answer.


Yes, however, I wonder how she wraps those pieces with no overlap. I think it is mosty not possible.

Thank you!!!

Yes, you did all the steps correctly in calculating the surface area of the box. However, there is a minor mistake in your final calculation of the total surface area. It seems that you accidentally used the "=" sign instead of the "+" sign to sum up the individual surface areas.

The correct expression for the total surface area should be:

SA = 210 + 42 + 90 = 342 in squared

Therefore, Camern needs to buy 342 square inches of wrapping paper to ensure there is no leftover paper.