The heart shaped card is made by placing a square card and two semicircles together. What is the area of the card.

each side of the sqare is 8cm long.

I did a=TTr(squared)+lw
A=TT16+64 A=80TT
A=251.3 cm(squared)
The total area of the card is
Can you please let me know if I did this correctly? Thanks

How did you get from

area=PI*16 +64 which is 114, to 251 then 257?

1st I added 16 plus 64=80. Then I multiplied 80 by TT and got 251.3

The last part should be 251.3 I messed up on the last number.
so is 251.3 correct?
Thank you for checking my work, I appreciate it.

I see what you did, but I thought TT was always done last, so I added and then multiplied TT.

Is there an order of operation for Pi?

To find the area of the heart-shaped card made by placing a square card and two semicircles together, you need to calculate the areas of each component separately and then add them up.

First, let's find the area of the square card. The formula for the area of a square is A = side length squared. In this case, the side length is given as 8cm, so the area of the square is 8cm * 8cm = 64cm².

Next, let's find the area of the two semicircles. The formula for the area of a semicircle is A = (π * r²) / 2, where r is the radius of the circle. In this case, the radius of each semicircle is half the side length of the square, which is 8cm / 2 = 4cm. Plugging this value into the formula, we have A = (π * 4cm²) / 2 = (16π) / 2 = 8π cm².

Now, we can find the total area of the card by adding the areas of the square and the two semicircles. A = 64cm² + 8π cm².

To get a numerical value for the area, we can use an approximation for π, such as 3.14. A ≈ 64cm² + 8 * 3.14 cm² ≈ 64cm² + 25.12 cm² ≈ 89.12 cm².

So, according to the calculations, it appears that the correct area of the card is approximately 89.12 cm², rather than 257.3 cm² as you have mentioned.

i'm confused