I.Provide a unitary that maps |+> to |1> and |-> to |0> . Enter 0 in all boxes if no such unitary exists. (In this case, you have to enter 0 explicitly. Blanks are not accepted.)

a b
c d

II.Provide a unitary that maps cos (30) |0> + sin (30) |1> to cos(-15) |0> + sin(-15) |1> and cos(5) |0> + sin(5) |1> to cos(-40) |0> + sin(-40) |1> . Enter 0 in all boxes if no such unitary exists.

a b
c d


1/sqrt(2) -1/sqrt(2)

1/sqrt(2) 1/sqrt(2)

Thanks helper, any answer for the second? Thanks

I. Is wrong?

I have got all the rest of the answers correct.. this I couldn't muster.

What is the matrix for Z⊗X (Z applied on the first qubit and X applied on the second qubit)? provide directions, hints, solution ;)



thanks.. got it. 2 entries were wrong in mine. thanks a ton.. 100 % in the mid-term. YAAAAAY !!!

matrix is wrong??

How about No 9a? What is the probability?

problem 8? pleaseee