What are some differences between the diary of Anne frank and the hitch-hiker

I put that in the diary if Anne frank there is no foreshadowing and they have different personalities and that hitch hiker is a thriller story what else ca I write?

How long or short is your answer supposed to be?

It doesn't matter

I've never read "the hitch-hiker" so I can't help you with content, but you can help yourself.

Try this:

1. Write all the information about one of your topics in one column.
2. Write all the information about the other topic in another column on the same page.
3. Then put them together in this order:

1. All about topic A
~~~1A. detail 1
~~~1B. detail 2
~~~1C. detail 3
2 All about topic B
~~~2A. detail 1
~~~2B. detail 2
~~~2C. detail 3

The number of details for each book will vary depending on how many contrasts you found. You should have no problem listing contrasts!!


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitch-Hiker%27s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy (Is this the one?)

Ok thank you.

You're welcome.

When comparing the diary of Anne Frank and the hitch-hiker, there are several other differences you can include in your writing:

1. Genre: The diary of Anne Frank is a non-fiction work, a true account of Anne's experiences during World War II, while the hitch-hiker is a fictional short story belonging to the thriller genre.

2. Narrative Format: Anne Frank's diary is written as a first-person narrative, capturing her personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences. On the other hand, the hitch-hiker is typically written in third person, allowing for a more detached perspective.

3. Setting: The diary of Anne Frank primarily takes place in a hidden annex in Amsterdam during the Nazi occupation, conveying the fear and isolation Anne and her family faced. The hitch-hiker, however, often features different settings, depending on the author's choice, ranging from isolated highways to small towns, intensifying the suspense and mystery.

4. Main Themes: While both works explore themes of fear, identity, and survival, the diary of Anne Frank also delves into themes of hope and the resilience of the human spirit, as Anne maintains her optimism despite the dire circumstances. In contrast, the hitch-hiker focuses predominantly on themes of suspense, danger, and the darker aspects of human nature.

5. Story Structure: The diary of Anne Frank consists of entries over a two-year period, providing a chronological account of the events and emotions she experienced. The hitch-hiker, being a short story, typically follows a more condensed narrative structure, with a clear beginning, middle, and end that often culminates in a twist or revelation.

Remember, in academic writing, it is important to support your claims with specific examples or evidence from the texts. Try to analyze the differences in writing style, characterization, themes, and other elements to provide a well-rounded comparison of the two works.