(5+4�ã2)(3+4�ã10) multiply and simpify as much as possible

To multiply and simplify the expression (5+4�ã2)(3+4�ã10), we will use the FOIL method, which stands for First, Outer, Inner, Last.

First, multiply the first terms of each binomial: 5 * 3 = 15.

Outer, multiply the outer terms of each binomial: 5 * 4�ã10 = 20�ã10.

Inner, multiply the inner terms of each binomial: 4�ã2 * 3 = 12�ã2.

Lastly, multiply the last terms of each binomial: 4�ã2 * 4�ã10 = 16 * �ã20.

Now, let's combine these results together.

The two middle terms, 20�ã10 and 12�ã2, are not like terms, so we cannot combine them.

The product of the last terms, 16 * �ã20, can be simplified further.

16 * �ã20 = 32�ã5, since the square root of 20 is 2�ã5.

Finally, add up all the terms: 15 + 20�ã10 + 12�ã2 + 32�ã5.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 15 + 20�ã10 + 12�ã2 + 32�ã5.