You are required to use the Account class to simulate an ATM machine. Create ten accounts in an array with id 0, 1, 2 ...9, and initial balance $50. The system prompts the user to enter an id. If the id is entered incorrectly, ask the user to enter a correct id. Once an id is accepted, the main menu is displayed as shown in the sample run. You can enter a choice 1 for viewing the current balance, 2 for withdrawing money, 3 for depositing money, and 4 for exiting the main menu. If the user tries to withdraw more money than is available, the program reports a “Not enough funds.” message. Once you exit, the system will prompt for an id again. So, once the system starts, it will not stop. To exit the program the user must -1 when an id is requested.

To simulate an ATM machine using the Account class, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a class named Account with properties like id and balance. Include methods to get and set the properties.

2. Create an array to hold ten Account objects, with id values from 0 to 9 and an initial balance of $50 for each account.

3. Implement a loop that continuously prompts the user to enter an id until a valid id is provided. If the id is not in the range of 0 to 9, ask the user to enter a correct id.

4. Once a valid id is entered, display the main menu options (1. view balance, 2. withdraw money, 3. deposit money, 4. exit). Prompt the user to enter a choice.

5. Based on the user's choice, perform the corresponding action:
a. If choice is 1: View the current balance by accessing the balance property of the Account object for the entered id.
b. If choice is 2: Prompt the user to enter the amount to withdraw. If the amount is greater than the balance for the given id, display a "Not enough funds" message. Otherwise, update the balance by subtracting the entered amount.
c. If choice is 3: Prompt the user to enter the amount to deposit. Update the balance by adding the entered amount.
d. If choice is 4: Exit the main menu.

6. After performing the chosen action, display the updated balance and loop back to the main menu. Repeat steps 4-6 until the user chooses to exit.

7. If the user enters -1 for id, exit the program.

By following these steps, you can simulate an ATM machine using the Account class in Java.