1. Which of the following is a specific goal?

A. I will pass as many of my courses as possible.
B. I will finish my college degree.
C. I will devote Wednesday this week to work on my English research paper.
D. To become a doctor is my goal.

is it C

2. Which goal is realistic?
A. I will make $100,000 a year on my first job as a business major.
B. I will be a lawyer in three years after high school.
C. I can get by in college maintaining a grade point average of 2.5.
D. I will get an A average by studying no less than 30 hours a week.

is it C

3. Rest and nutrition are as important to good time management because:
A. when you sleep and eat well, your brain functions better and can grasp more material.
B. lack of sleep and eating bad foods may cause sickness.
C. lack of sleep and eating bad foods affects organization.
D. when you sleep and eat well, you are healthy.

is it D

4. This time management tool is used for recording how you spend your time daily.
A. To-Do List
B. Calendar
C. Activity log
D. Planner

is it A

1 and 2 . . . already answered below.

3. all of the above!

4. I don't think it's A.
A is what you plan to do; which choice indicates what you actually do?

is 4. C

Yes, 4.c.

n n

1.is B. It has a specific goal to accomplish: earning college degree. C is the beginning of a goal: working on research paper, but doesn't say paper will be completed, therefore it's not specific goal.

2.I agree that it is C.
3. is C. Although, the other 3 answers are also true, the only one that would affect time management would be lack of organization, so C.
4. C. because an activity log is something you write in after you complete your activities. The others help you plan your day, but does not specifically manage your time.

1. The correct answer is C. "I will devote Wednesday this week to work on my English research paper." This goal is specific because it clearly states the intention to devote a specific day to working on a specific task, which is the English research paper.

To identify the specific goal, you can look for options that include specific details, deadlines, or measurable actions.

2. The correct answer is C. "I can get by in college maintaining a grade point average of 2.5." This goal is realistic because it is attainable and sets a reasonable expectation for maintaining a specific grade point average in college.

To identify the realistic goal, you can look for options that are achievable within a given timeframe, considering your current abilities, resources, and circumstances.

3. The correct answer is A. "When you sleep and eat well, your brain functions better and can grasp more material." Rest and nutrition are important to good time management because when you sleep and eat well, your brain functions more effectively, allowing you to better understand and retain information.

To identify why rest and nutrition are important to good time management, you can look for options that explain the impact of sleep and healthy eating on cognitive abilities, overall health, and efficiency.

4. The correct answer is C. "Activity log." An activity log is a time management tool used for recording how you spend your time daily. It involves keeping track of all activities and tasks performed throughout the day, including the time spent on each activity.

To identify the time management tool used for recording daily activities, you can look for options that describe a tool specifically designed for tracking and recording how time is spent.