“Aunt Dessie unfolded out of the car like a carpenter’s ruler” is an example of (1 point)

a. personification.
b. symbol.
c. simile.
d. metaphor.
i think it is b.

You think wrong.

Please study the definitions and examples of these words.

What one of those types of figuative language do you use like or as in? That would be the correct answer.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and analyze the given sentence.

a. Personification: Personification is when human characteristics are attributed to non-human objects or abstract ideas. In the given sentence, we see a comparison being made, but it doesn't involve giving human qualities to something non-human.

b. Symbol: A symbol is an object or image that represents or stands for something else. In the given sentence, there is a comparison being made, but it doesn't involve a symbolic representation.

c. Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things using "like" or "as." In the given sentence, we have the comparison "like a carpenter's ruler," which indicates that the aunt unfolded out of the car in a way that resembles a carpenter's ruler.

d. Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly refers to one thing by mentioning another unrelated thing. In the given sentence, we have a comparison being made, but it uses "like" instead of directly stating that Aunt Dessie is a carpenter's ruler.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is c. simile. The sentence "Aunt Dessie unfolded out of the car like a carpenter's ruler" is an example of a simile because it uses the word "like" to compare Aunt Dessie's unfolding to the way a carpenter's ruler unfolds.