i have a hard time calculating my grade & am in college. Please tell me the grade I have so far & will have, thank you!365 points in the course is needed. Lecture exams and quizzes are worth

about 60% of the total grade &90 ≤ A 80 ≤ B < 90
70 ≤ C < 80
60 ≤ D < 70
F < 60 There are 4 exams, each one is worth 55 pts. So far I have 2 Ds, 32/55, 32/55. A >= 47.7

B >= 42.4

C >= 37.1

D >= 31.8 And 6 lecture quizzes, worth 5pts each, so far I took one only. There are 11 labs, 2 are worth 20 pts, while the rest are 10 pts each. So, far I did 3 labs. I got 8/10, 9/10 & 19/20. Thank you!

Math person needed!!

Hmmm. Not everything seems to be in synch here.

4 exams @ 55 pts = 220
6 quizzes @ 5 = 30
So, exams & quizzes make up 250 pts

11labs, 2@20+9@10 = 130 pts


250/480 = 52%, not 60% as alleged
365/480 = 76%, but that's a middle C grade, not just barely passing. Is that what you mean by "needing" 365 pts? You want a solid C?

Now for the data:
You don't say what you made on the quiz, so that's missing.

Let's assume you made 5 pts on the lab.
So, your total so far is 32+32+5+8+9+19 = 105 out of 160 = 65.6%

Things aren't looking too good at the moment.

You need another 260 pts to make your 365.

Yes, I have to have c+ to pass this class.so far I have 65.6% & need 76% to pass? If I take the other 8 labs, 3 quizzes, 2 exams that are left & get C's on exam or Ds;do you think I'll get B?

Thank you so much!

And I forgot to add, out of the 6 quizzes I only took 2. 4/5. I know I'll do good on the labs & exams but the quizzes are kinda hard. Do you think the quizzes will hurt my grade in the end?

thank you!

To calculate your grade so far, you need to determine the total points you have earned in the course. Let's break it down into different categories:

1. Lecture exams and quizzes worth 60%:
- You mentioned having 4 exams, each worth 55 points. So far, you have 2 scores of 32/55 on two exams. To calculate the total points earned on exams, you multiply the average exam grade by the total possible points (55 * 2 * (32/55)).
- Additionally, you mentioned having taken one quiz worth 5 points. So, for quizzes, you would multiply the earned points by the total possible points (5 * 1).

2. Labs worth 40%:
- There are 11 labs in total, with 2 worth 20 points each, and the rest worth 10 points each. So far, you have completed 3 labs with scores of 8/10, 9/10, and 19/20. To calculate the total points earned from labs, you sum up the points earned for each lab.

Now let's calculate your current grade:

1. Lecture exams and quizzes worth 60%:
- Total points earned on exams: (55 * 2 * (32/55)) = 64 points
- Total points earned on quizzes: (5 * 1) = 5 points
- Total points earned for lecture exams and quizzes: 64 + 5 = 69 points

2. Labs worth 40%:
- Total points earned from labs: (8 + 9 + 19) = 36 points

To calculate your overall grade, you need to calculate the percentage of total points earned out of the total possible points (365).

Total points earned so far: 69 + 36 = 105 points
Percentage earned so far: (105/365) * 100 = 28.77%

Based on your current performance, you have earned approximately 28.77% of the total possible points in the course.

To predict the grade you will have at the end of the course, you need to consider the remaining points available to earn and how well you expect to perform on them.