ABCD is a square with AB=25. P is a point within ABCD such that PA=24 and PB=7. What is the value of PD^2?

Did you notice that

25^2 = 24^2+7^2 ?
so angle APB = 90°
sin(angle BAP) = 7/25
So cos(angle DAP) = 7/25 , properties of complementary angles, since angle A = 90°

by the cosine law:
PD^2 = 25^2 + 24^ - 2(25)(24)cos DAP
= 625 + 576 - 2(25)(24)(7/25)
= 1201 - 336 = 865

To find the value of PD^2, we can use the Pythagorean theorem. PD represents the distance from point P to one of the corners of square ABCD.

First, let's draw a diagram to visualize the problem:

D —————————— C
| |
| |
A —————————— B

We know that AB = 25, PA = 24, and PB = 7. Let's use this information to find the value of PD.

To do that, we need to break down the problem into smaller parts. Let's consider triangle PAB first.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the length of side PA:
PA^2 = AB^2 + PB^2
24^2 = 25^2 + 7^2
576 = 625 + 49
576 = 674

This is not true, so there must be a mistake.

Looking at the problem again, we can see that there is an error in the given information. Point P cannot be within the square ABCD if PA = 24 and PB = 7. The sum of the lengths of PA and PB should be larger than the length of AB since P is inside the square.

Therefore, we cannot determine the value of PD^2 with the given information.