Now let us consider the length of time that the Sun is visible. Wait until the planet is at the summer solstice (12:00am). a) How many hours of daylight are there on the summer solstice with the inclination at 45 degrees? To estimate the length of day, identify the time when the sky begins to brighten and the time just before it becomes dark. You should see stars at both the beginning time and the ending time.

b) Use the above formula for sunlight-hours and the results from the previous questions to calculate the number of sunlight-hours of daylight that one receives on the summer solstice for a planet tilted by 45 degrees. Recall that the angle factor is the fraction (or component) of the light that strikes the planet perpendicular to the surface (look at the previous two questions and think carefully about what the "angle factor" should be).

sunlight-hours = (angle factor)*(hours of daylight)

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To start this question, you have to go into the interactive lab for this course. Move the earth to summer solstice, and set the angle at 45 degrees. As you move the earth and look at the time daylight starts with stars visible, you continue to move the earth as the hours in the day go on when you see the last hour of daylight. This is how you get daylight hours for all the parts of these questions and do the same for winter solstice.

Other parts of the question show how to use the degrees of the angle given to calculate the angle factor by using cosine.

After all of this, you just multiply those 2 factors to get sunlight hours. Just go into the interactive lab and actually try to do the work instead of posting this question. It should have taken no more than 10 minutes to do.

a) To determine the hours of daylight on the summer solstice with an inclination of 45 degrees, you need to identify the time when the sky starts to brighten and the time just before it becomes dark. Here's a step-by-step approach to estimate the length of the day:

1. Determine the time when the sky begins to brighten: This is typically before sunrise when the horizon starts to glow. Note down this time.

2. Determine the time just before it becomes dark: This is usually after sunset when the sky starts to darken. Note down this time as well.

3. Calculate the duration between these two times: Subtract the time just before it becomes dark from the time when the sky begins to brighten. This will give you the hours of daylight on the summer solstice at a 45-degree inclination.

b) To calculate the number of sunlight-hours of daylight on the summer solstice for a planet tilted by 45 degrees using the formula provided:

sunlight-hours = (angle factor) * (hours of daylight)

The angle factor represents the fraction or component of the light that strikes the planet perpendicular to the surface. Based on the previous questions, you should have an understanding of what the angle factor should be. Substitute the values into the formula to find the result.

Remember to consider the accuracy of your measurements and calculations, as estimations may introduce some margin of error.