Has anyone taking this course, need help with this question.

According to the SMCR model, problems in communication can arise when the speaker fails to do
a maintain eye contact with the receiver
b speak on the level of the receiver
c have outside interest
d have a neat appearance
Thank's in advance!!!

I haven't taken your class, but my 32 years of teaching should qualify me. <g>

I believe the answer is b.

I agree with Ms. Sue!!

To determine the correct answer according to the SMCR model, let's break down the options:

a) Maintain eye contact with the receiver: This is important for effective communication, as it shows attentiveness and engagement. However, it is not directly related to problems in communication that can arise from the speaker's side.

b) Speak on the level of the receiver: This refers to adjusting one's language, tone, and level of complexity to match the receiver's understanding or knowledge. This is crucial for effective communication as it ensures that the message is conveyed and understood accurately.

c) Have outside interest: While having outside interest may affect a person's focus or engagement, it is not directly addressed by the SMCR model as a specific problem in communication.

d) Have a neat appearance: Again, a neat appearance does not directly relate to problems in communication, as defined by the SMCR model.

Considering these options, the correct answer is b) speak on the level of the receiver.