At a hockey game, a vender sold a combined total of 192 sodas and hot dogs. The number of sodas sold was two times the number of hot dogs sold. Find the number of sodas and the number of hot dogs sold.

At a hockey game, a vender sold a combined total of

sodas and hot dogs. The number of sodas sold was three times the number of hot dogs sold. Find the number of sodas and the number of hot dogs sold.

Well, it seems like we have a classic case of soda and hot dog equations. Let's call the number of hot dogs sold "h" and the number of sodas sold "s". According to the information given, we know that s = 2h (the number of sodas sold is twice the number of hot dogs).

Now, since a total of 192 sodas and hot dogs were sold, we can set up the equation:

s + h = 192

Substituting s = 2h into the equation, we get:

2h + h = 192

Combining like terms:

3h = 192

Dividing both sides by 3, we find:

h = 64

So the number of hot dogs sold is 64.

Substituting this value back into s = 2h:

s = 2(64) = 128

So the number of sodas sold is 128.

Therefore, the vendor sold 128 sodas and 64 hot dogs. Have a "bun-derful" day!

To find the number of sodas and hot dogs sold, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's say the number of hot dogs sold is "x". Since the number of sodas sold was two times the number of hot dogs sold, the number of sodas sold would be "2x".

The total number of sodas and hot dogs sold is 192, so we can write the equation:

x + 2x = 192

Combining like terms, we get:

3x = 192

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 3:

x = 192 / 3

Calculating the value, x = 64.

Therefore, the number of hot dogs sold is 64, and the number of sodas sold would be twice that, which is 2 * 64 = 128.

sodas ----x

hot dogs ---- y

x = 2y
x+y = 192
2y + y = 192
y = 64

64 hotdogs and 128 sodas