Subtract(5a^3+3 b^3)-(2a^2b-4ab^2+3b^3+5a^3)=

since there's a 5a^3 + 3b^3 top and bottom, they just disappear, and you are left with


To subtract the expression (5a^3+3b^3)-(2a^2b-4ab^2+3b^3+5a^3), we need to perform the subtraction operation between each corresponding term.

Step 1: Distribute the negative sign on the second expression in the parentheses:

Step 2: Perform the subtraction of each corresponding term:
(5a^3+3b^3) - (2a^2b) - (-4ab^2) - (3b^3) - (5a^3)

Step 3: Combine like terms:
5a^3 - 5a^3 + 3b^3 - 3b^3 - 2a^2b + 4ab^2

Step 4: Simplify the expression:
0 - 0 + 3b^3 - 2a^2b + 4ab^2

The final result of the expression (5a^3+3b^3) - (2a^2b-4ab^2+3b^3+5a^3) is 3b^3 - 2a^2b + 4ab^2.