the problem is 0 < less then or equal to 2x-4<8 I got the answer which is

2< less then or equal to x <6 how do i write this on a graph

If 2 <= x < 6

draw the number line
place a dot at 2 and an open circle at 6
shade the line between the dot and the circle.

for the 2 you would color in a circle at 2 because it is less than or equal.

for the 6 you would put an open circle (not colored in)

Connect the two points with a dark line. That is your solution.
To check that you are correct... choose a value for x in that region and check it in the original inequality.

In some courses, they don't use the colored and no-colored circle.

they use ( ) or [ ]

The ) is used for the open circle
the ] is used for the colored in circle.

To graph the solution 2 < x ≤ 6, follow these steps:

1. Draw a number line: Start by drawing a horizontal line with a marked zero in the center. Extend the line in both directions.

2. Mark the endpoints: Locate the numbers 2 and 6 on the number line. Place a solid dot at 2 and a hollow dot at 6 to represent the inequality's strict inequality at 2 and inclusive inequality at 6.

3. Shade the region: Shade the region between the two dots to indicate that the solution lies within the range of 2 < x ≤ 6.

The final graph should show a filled-in circle at 2, an open circle at 6, and a shaded region in the interval between 2 and 6 on the number line.